Malware Analysis Methods

Malware analysis involves examining suspicious files or programs to understand their behavior, impact, and mitigation strategies. The key methods include:

1. Static Analysis

  • Examining a file without executing it.
  • Checking file metadata, headers, and strings.
  • Identifying packed or obfuscated code.
  • Using tools like strings, PEview, Ghidra, Detect It Easy (DIE).

2. Dynamic Analysis

  • Running malware in a controlled environment (sandbox) to observe behavior.
  • Monitoring file system, network, and process activity.
  • Useful tools: Cuckoo Sandbox, Wireshark, ProcMon, Regshot.

3. Code Analysis (Reverse Engineering)

  • Disassembling or decompiling the malware to understand its logic.
  • Useful for unpacking, decryption, or behavior analysis.
  • Tools: IDA Pro, Ghidra, Radare2, Binary Ninja.

4. Memory Forensics

  • Analyzing memory dumps for artifacts like injected code or running processes.
  • Tools: Volatility, Rekall, MemProcFS.

5. Network Analysis

  • Observing command-and-control (C2) traffic, data exfiltration, or DNS requests.
  • Tools: Wireshark, Tshark, Fakenet-NG, Suricata.

Top Malware Analysis Tools:

Static AnalysisPEStudio, Detect It Easy, BinText, Ghidra, IDA Pro
Dynamic AnalysisCuckoo Sandbox, Hybrid Analysis, ProcMon, Regshot
Memory ForensicsVolatility, Rekall, MemProcFS
Network AnalysisWireshark, Tshark, Suricata, Fakenet-NG
Reverse EngineeringGhidra, IDA Pro, Radare2, Binary Ninja
Threat IntelligenceVirusTotal, YARA, Maltego, ThreatCrowd